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The hive is exposed.

Commercial Construction

Cycle Gear.

Commercial Construction

Bee hive in the construction materials.

Commercial Construction

Bee hive in the construction materials.

Commercial Construction

The bees are moving into the box.

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Bees are in the box.

Commercial Construction

Peace Lutheran Church bee hive exposed.

Commercial Construction

Bees will choose a nesting site in many places where people may disturb them. Nesting cavities may include: buckets, cans, empty boxes, old tires, or any container ranging in volume from as little as 2 to 10 gallons and more. Bees will also choose infrequently used vehicles, lumber piles, holes and cavities in fences, trees, and the ground, in sheds, garages, and other outbuildings between walls or in the open, low decks or spaces under buildings.